1 de mai. de 2017

Ways to move an object in 2D

I found some ways to move an GameObject in the 2D enviroment.

  1. First, I get the Input from the Keyboard or the Mouse:

    float direction = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    float direction = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");

    Both returns values between -1 and 1, depending on the direction.
  2. I get the actual position of the object

    Vector3 posAtual = transform.position;
  3. Move it!

    # Changing the X of the vetor
    transform.position = new Vector3(posAtual.x + (velocity * mouseDir * Time.deltaTime), posAtual.y, posAtual.z);

    # Adding a new vetor to the actual position vector
    transform.position += new Vector3(velocity * direction * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

    # Adding a vector by direction
    transform.position += transform.right * velocity * direction * Time.deltaTime;

    # Following the mouse
    Vector3 temp = Input.mousePosition;
    temp.z = 10;
    transform.position = new Vector3(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(temp).x, posAtual.y, posAtual.z);

    # Adding Force
    rb.AddForce(transform.right * force * direction);

    # Using the Tranform method "Transalte"

    transform.Translate(velocity * direction * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

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